The hot air temperature control, combustion-supporting air, gas pressure regulation and the regulation of air-gas combustion ratio in hot air stove system are mainly introduced. 主要介绍热风炉系统中的热风温度控制、助燃空气,煤气稳压调节、以及空气与煤气的燃烧配比调节。
In addition, the influences the different coal gas flow rate and composition of combustion-supporting gas on the temperature in the combusting chamber, outlet temperature and distribution of NO and CO of are analysed based on experimental data. 根据实验数据分析了不同煤气流量、助燃剂的构成对燃烧室内部温度及出口温度、NO及CO分布的影响。
Experimental study on the way of combustion with CO_2+ O_2 as combustion-supporting gas 助燃剂为CO2+O2的燃烧方式实验研究
Measures, such as decreasing stack gas temperature, preheating combustion-supporting air, improving sealing of the furnace, controlling oxygen content in the stack gas and air-fuel ratio, are proposed to enhance heat efficiency of pyrolysis furnace. 建议采用降低排烟温度、预热助燃空气、改善炉子的密封性能、控制烟气中氧含量及空气过剩系数等措施提高裂解炉的热效率。